Becoming Missions Minded

Becoming Missions Minded

Something I’ve been praying about for two years happened last week. Pius Muzingu landed in his home country of Uganda to begin planting Grace Church Kampala. Uganda needs him. Africa needs him… and many more like him. Pius writes from Kampala:


“When Bryon Dechellis led me to Christ almost ten years ago, I did not anticipate that our Lord would entrust even to me, of all sinners, His saving message of grace, and the privilege of bring the Gospel to His chosen saints on the African continent. A few days ago, however, I began what seems like an intimidating journey, because I am now on the Mission Field where “the harvest is plentiful…. What a privilege to be counted among men who are representing Him faithfully with this glorious message! Allow me to THANK YOU ALL for your prayers and your support. I cannot wait to see what our great God has in store for His people in the Great lakes region of east Africa and beyond!”


That’s the Pius I know… humble, yet bold… with a big vision for what God can do. And we are a part of it by our prayers, encouragement and financial support. I hope to live another 30 years so I can see what comes forth from his ministry.

Let me say again, by way of reminder: missions is not a side interest for any church worth its salt. It is one of the main tasks of the church to think globally, to extend the Gospel, to share what God has given us. The local church is never an end in itself. It must reproduce. That might be planting a church in the next town or planting one on a continent most of us will never see. In either case, reproduction is essential to the task of the church.

I worry sometimes that too many of us at AFBC sometimes lose sight of this key part of the church’s mission. My concern comes from what appears at times a lack of interest in missions and missions-related events. I hope I’m wrong. But if you are reading this and you have been inclined to see missions as somehow separate, a side matter, as not essential, as something that draws resources and energy from our church, then I encourage you to re-think this attitude. Change your focus. Missions is our task. Our hearts should bleed for the lost world as the heart of Jesus does. As the Scripture says:


“How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!” (Romans 10:14-15)


Jesus said, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.” We must either go or send someone who will go to fulfill this final command of our Lord.

So get involved in missions. There are many ways to do so, but let me tell you about two. First, consider joining the Missions Committee. That’s AFBC’s link to our missionaries and their work around the world. We would like to see greater participation.

Did you know we are about to become a “sending church” for the first time? In missions-speak, that means we will be the primary base and point of accountability for an outgoing missionary. This is a higher level of commitment than merely supporting a missionary. We will be there for them and with them in their great task. The Nunns will be our first sent missionaries. They will be leaving in May for Alaska. Our capacity to take this role of a sending church is really the fruit of the Missions Committee which started just a few years ago. If you have an interest in missions, and a little extra time, consider serving on this committee.

Second, and much simpler, the Nunns will be presenting their ministry on April 10 in the Sunday School hour. Be there to show your support for Jory and Mary. This is a big step for us and for them. Their road will be challenging and difficult. We should do all we can to let them know of our love and support. You can begin letting them know just by being there. Jesus has a heart for the whole world. Conform yours to His!


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Wayne Wilson

Originally printed in The AFBC Pony Express. Vol. IX, No. 4, April 2016.