Creation Thought – Part 1

Creation Thought – Part 1

Who do you think knows more, God or man?  Who is wiser, God or man?  For Christians, these are really trivial questions.  We believe God to be omniscient (all knowing) and we know that man is fallen and makes many mistakes.

Why, then, are so many Christians willing to embrace evolution when the Bible (God’s Word) clearly states that God created everything that exists in the physical universe supernaturally in 6 literal days?  Well, part of the reason is that scientists sound so authoritative when they say evolution is the way everything got here.  Over the last few hundred years, we have come to believe that scientists and the “scientific method” are completely unbiased and, therefore, infallible.  Although that’s the way science is supposed to work, we must remember that fallen human beings are involved. 

So, if evolution is not a valid theory to explain the universe and all it contains, does the idea exist just because scientists make mistakes in their thinking?  No, it goes deeper than that.  Romans 1: 18-25 explains that humans just don’t want to acknowledge God because that would inhibit them from sinning.  They would rather “. . .worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator. . .”  So always compare man’s ideas with Scripture to determine what is true.  Look for more evolution/creation thoughts in future newsletters.

– Bill Rogers