Ancient of Days

Ancient of Days

Verse 1
Though the nations rage
Kingdoms rise and fall
There is still one king
Reigning over all
So I will not fear
For this truth remains:
That my God is the Ancient of Days

Chorus 1
None above him, none before him
All of time in His hands
For His throne it shall remain and ever stand
All the power all the glory
I will trust in His name
For my God is, the Ancient of Days

Verse 2
Though the dread of night
Overwhelms my soul
He is here with me
I am not alone
O his love is sure
And He knows my name
For my God is, the Ancient of Days

Verse 3
Though I may not see
What the future brings
I will watch and wait
For the Saviour king
Then my joy complete
Standing face to face
In the presence of the Ancient of Days

Jonny Robinson | Rich Thompson | Michael Farren | Jesse Reeves

© 2018 CityAlight Music