Posts by Acton Faith (Page 11)

Posts by Acton Faith (Page 11)


Rarely do we have such a clear example of the dangers of following false teachers as the whole world recently experienced with the hitherto little known Harold Camping. How could a man so sure of himself be so wrong? Camping’s errors were many, and for years his folly left in its wake shipwrecked saints…

Purpose in Turmoil

When I first heard about the turmoil in Egypt, my mind recalled the prophetic words of the prophet Daniel. “And the land of Egypt will not escape…and Libyans and Ethiopians will follow at his heels.” No, I am not predicting the end of the world, but this comforted me because these events have been written already…

Being Unstained in the World

Paul’s command in 1 Corinthians 6 to “Flee immorality” (porneia) goes totally against today’s world.  Our culture is completely inundated by the deceitful spirit of porniea.The Christian is to be an alien and stranger in this world – “unstained by the world” Feeding on filth makes being unstained not unlikely…impossible.

It’s Sunday Morning

Online Christian blogger Tim Challies lists some recommendations for things to think about and plan to do on Sunday morning before the service, during the service, and after the service. He says we should “sing with gusto, help with logistics (if needed), listen carefully, avoid distractions,” and even something as simple as….

World Religions

“All religions are alike.  It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you believe in something.”  Ever heard anyone say that?  I have…many times.  Of course, it is amazingly untrue.  While morality is fairly similar in most cultures and in the major faiths, religious doctrine on all the big topics…are very, very different….

Things My Father Gave Me

Laura and I are blessed to be part of such a wonderful church family.  We saw it again in the kind outpouring of warm regard we received this past month or so as we have mourned the loss of each of our fathers. My Dad was a rather special human being.  He gave me a lot of good things.  I want to share them with you…

God – Judge and Redeemer

The recent disaster in Haiti caught the attention of the world. Rarely in modern times has devastation been so complete and the loss of life so high. The tragic fate of so many people causes some to question the ways of God. The Bible never tries to soften the horror of natural disasters, nor does it ever apologize for God.


Theology. Look at that word: theology. It’s not really a big word, but some believer’s eyes roll up when they hear it. That’s understandable, because theology books can be full of very big words, and jargon, and unknown languages. “Why can’t we just stick with the Bible?” some will ask…

No Home for Christmas

First, I would like you to imagine being in an institution at Christmas time. Away from family. You are going to miss Christmas. You won’t be home. You won’t see your children. That’s the situation for most of the residents at Acton Rehab during the holiday season.

Confessions of Rebellion

I was reminded at our recent Baptism service how delightfully God displays His wisdom in calling us. Baptism is the public confession our rebellion against His good rule, and declaring our eternal allegiance to His kingdom. How great is our God who turns rebels like us into His beloved children!