Posts by Acton Faith (Page 12)

Posts by Acton Faith (Page 12)

Everyman’s Evangelism

Evangelism is a word that causes some Christians to break out in hives.  Me…evangelize?   It’s not that they don’t want to share Christ, but they have a natural human fear of rejection.  No one likes to be rejected, and there is always the possibility that someone you share Jesus with may not like you because they don’t like Him.

Living with the Victory

As believers, we have all the resources we need to have victory over sin. Our new Bible study, “Living with the Victory”, acknowledges the reality of chemical dependency, but also the reality of sin, and the power of Christ to free men and women from bondage to sin.

Women and the Resurrection

When you think about the resurrection this Easter season, remember that the New Testament emphasizes over and over the place of eye-witness testimony.  All of the evangelistic sermons in the book of Acts, even those to pagans, call the hearers to the fact of the resurrection.

Taking Care of Each Other

“He who is generous will be blessed, for he gives some of his food to the poor.”  Prov 22:9  The recent economic news hasn’t been fun for businesses or our retirement accounts, or for many who have lost their jobs.  It may, however, be an opportunity the Lord has brought our way so that people who love the world will focus more on things that last. 

Creation Thought – Part 10

Continuing with the subject of “Intelligent Design,” consider the human eye.  Darwin himself recognized that the eye was complex and would be difficult to explain by evolution.  Since his time, a great deal more has been discovered about the eye and we now know that it is much, much more complex than he thought. For example, the eyeball itself is made up of three totally…

Pray At All Times

“I will pray for you.”  This sentence is one of the most commonly spoken among believers when personal needs are shared.  Sometimes it becomes a thing to say, and follow through is not always forthcoming.  The failure to pray is not so much intentional as it is a lack of discipline.

Creation Thought – Part 9

Intelligent Design (ID) has become pretty popular in the last decade or two, but creationists have always believed in ID.  It used to be called Teleology.  Whatever you choose to call it, the idea is that the extreme complexity we see in nature argues very strongly for a Creator.  We all know that complex machines such as cars or computers require an intelligent designer…

Creation Thought – Part 7

In the last three issues of the Pony Express, we have looked at three things that evolutionists often cite as evidence for their belief and discussed why these are not  valid proofs of evolution.  Now let’s look at some specific scientific evidences for creation. First, we will consider the fossil record.  Millions of fossils of many different kinds have been discovered…

Creation Thought – Part 6

The last item of “evidence” for evolution that we will consider is Embryology.  As the name implies, this is the study of embryos.  Evolutionists believe in the idea: “Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny.”  That means that the development of the embryo in the womb (for humans) retraces it’s entire evolutionary history. This notion began with Ernst Haeckel who made a number…