Posts by Acton Faith (Page 13)

Posts by Acton Faith (Page 13)

The World: Then and Now

As the Christmas season approaches, the world around us seems awash in uncertainty:  economic uncertainty, global instability, wars and rumors of wars.  These are difficult times for many.  In 1985, Laura and I went to the hospital on Christmas day, and the following morning our daughter Charissa Noel was born.

Growing Deeper

At the annual business meeting in May, we discussed growing out and growing deeper as a church body.  Growing out refers to missions and evangelism.  Growing deeper has to do with fellowship, the application of truth, ministry in the body, and accountability.

Creation Thought – Part 5

Another category of evidence that is often used by evolutionists to claim that evolution is a fact is the belief in vestigial organs.  Vestigial organs are “left over” or useless organs.  The idea is that our ancestors evolved certain organs that they needed, but after millions of years of evolution, our bodies no longer need them.  Scientists used to have a list of over…

The Mature Church: Part 3

One of the healthiest, most mature churches in the New Testament is the church in Rome. Paul is free to teach them the meat of the Gospel and apply it without the need to rebuke them. Near the end of that letter, he tells us why:

Creation Thought – Part 4

Do evolutionists have scientific evidence for evolution?  If you read their books and listen to them speak, it is obvious that they think they do.  Actually, many evolutionists believe that evolution is a proven fact and that anyone who does not believe it is an idiot. For example, they often use the argument of “homologous structures” or “comparative anatomy.”  If we…

Creation Thought – Part 3

So what if God chose to create the universe by the process of evolution?  Certainly He is powerful enough and wise enough to accomplish that, isn’t He?  Well, many people believe that is exactly what happened. However, there are some serious problems with the attempt to blend Biblical creation with the concept of evolution.  Remember, theistic evolutionists believe the…

Creation Thought – Part 2

What about theistic evolution?  If you are a Christian, you believe in God and you believe in the Bible.  But many Christians also believe that science has proven evolution to be true.  Isn’t it possible that God created life on earth or perhaps the entire universe over millions or billions of years by making tiny…

The Mature Church: Part 2

This is the second in a series of reflections on the marks of a mature church, and where AFBC is in the maturing process.  In Eph 4:11-13 , Paul takes us from Christ’s gifted leaders and teachers to the saint’s service, and then to the goal of the body becoming a “mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.” That is our…