Posts by Acton Faith (Page 6)

Posts by Acton Faith (Page 6)

Greatness and Wretchedness

I don’t get into online conversations with unbelievers very often because for some reason people online aren’t in a mood to listen. But recently I did have an exchange with a scoffing atheist — a gentleman who was sure there was no God and he had everything figured out. I like to press Materialists like this (people who believe the physical, measurable world is all there…

The New Hampshire Confession of Faith

This Confession was drawn up by the Rev. John Newton Brown, D. D., of New Hampshire about 1833, and was adopted by the New Hampshire Convention. Taken from the Baptist Church Manual, published by the American Baptist Publication Society, Philadelphia. I. Of the Scriptures We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired, and is a perfect treasure of…

The Role of Theology

The word “Theology” makes some people’s eyes roll back in their head. But it used to be called “The Queen of the Sciences.” To actually construct statements of great truth by the careful study of God’s own revelation to mankind is a noble and high calling. And it is essential for the life of the church. Indeed, it is one of the great purposes for the church’s…

New Year’s Thoughts

Traditionally, News Years is a time for resolutions — many of which aresoon forgotten or abandoned. I don’t make New Years’ resolutions forthat reason. But being resolved, in a meaningful way, to improveoneself, especially one’s walk with Christ, is a very good thing to doindeed. Our walk with Christ should involve decisions that will last,including things like…