Posts by Acton Faith (Page 8)

Posts by Acton Faith (Page 8)

We Bow Our Hearts

As we continue to look at right worship, we remember that there is nothing more fitting and right than to give God the honor He is due. That is what worship is — rendering to the holy Creator and Sustainer of all things proper, heartfelt reverence as the Sovereign Lord of all He has made. The word “worship” in the Old Testament means to “bow down.” But true worship is a…

Our Approach to Worship

Worship has been a big topic among Evangelicals during the last year or so. It’s a good discussion to have because so many congregations seem to define worship as entertainment. This is not in any way, however, how the Bible views worship. So I have decided to do a series of brief reflections on worship. Worship is essential to the nature of all rational…

He Has Risen

This is our fifth and final look at the basics of the Gospel. The reason for this review is simple: If you want share Jesus with someone, you need to get the Gospel right. Few conversations are perfect, and sometimes we can only get in a thought or two, but if you have the opportunity to share the Gospel, these five things should be included: 1. Jesus is the center of the…

The Ultimate Sacrifice

This month we continue our look at the basic truths of the Gospel. What should people be told so that they understand the Gospel? We suggest five things everyone should hear who needs Jesus, and these same five things you should learn to make part of sharing the Gospel with people. So far, we have looked at three things: 1. Jesus is the center of the Gospel, just as He is…

Corrupted Creatures

This month we continue our series explaining the key elements of the Gospel message. So far, we have looked at: 1. Jesus is the center of the Gospel, just as He is the source and center of all things. 2. The holiness of God is essential in presenting the Gospel. Now we turn to the subject of human sinfulness. The Bible plainly says, “all have sinned and…

The Holiness of God

For our series on sharing the Gospel, we talked about the centrality of Jesus in the Gospel in the September issue. It’s all about Him. The church is not the good news, Jesus is the good news! People need Jesus.      In this issue we will look at another critical idea that must be included in a complete Gospel presentation: God is…

The Center of the Gospel

I promised last month we would start looking at the Gospel, the Good News to be shared with the world, so you would know what to tell people who don’t know the Lord. How do you share your faith so others understand the Gospel? There are several key aspects to the Gospel you don’t want to leave out: Jesus is the center of the Gospel just as He is the source and center of…

Why Doctrine Matters

We live in a time of limited doctrinal understanding. A large recent survey on The State of Theology in America and among Evangelicals revealed a rather shocking lack of understanding on some essential doctrines. Many answers were contradictory. For example: almost all Evangelicals affirm the Trinity, but 78% agreed with the statement: “Jesus is the…

How Acton Faith Allocates Resources

We are so familiar with the “way we do things” at Acton Faith Bible Church, we sometimes neglect to talk about why we do those things. Newer folks aren’t always clued in on what many of us take for granted. Recently, it has come to my attention that there are questions about how we allocate money, especially with regard to church ministries and the building project.  The…