Creation Thought – Part 2

Creation Thought – Part 2

What about theistic evolution?  If you are a Christian, you believe in God and you believe in the Bible.  But many Christians also believe that science has proven evolution to be true.  Isn’t it possible that God created life on earth or perhaps the entire universe over millions or billions of years by making tiny changes which, today, we call evolution?

Countless individuals, churches, denominations, Christian colleges, and seminaries hold this view.  They believe that it is necessary to come up with some kind of blend of creation and evolution because everyone knows that evolution is a proven fact, yet they also believe that God created the universe as He said he did in Genesis and other Scriptures.

First of all, evolution is certainly not a proven fact.  In real­ity, it is not even a good theory, but we’ll talk about that in later articles.  What does the Bible say about the origin of all things?  Genesis 1:1 says “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”  You can’t be much more plain than that!  How about Col. 3:16?  It says: “For by Him (Christ) all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through Him and for Him.”  In addition, there are many other passages in the Bible that indicated God Created.  There is nothing to suggest evolution.  What if God chose to create by means of evolution, but just didn’t specifically give us that detail in His Word?  Stay tuned for the next article.

– Bill Rogers

Originally printed in the Acton Faith Bible Church Pony Express. Vol. I, No. 03, June 2008.