Creation Thought – Part 3

Creation Thought – Part 3

So what if God chose to create the universe by the process of evolution?  Certainly He is powerful enough and wise enough to accomplish that, isn’t He?  Well, many people believe that is exactly what happened.

However, there are some serious problems with the attempt to blend Biblical creation with the concept of evolution.  Remember, theistic evolutionists believe the Bible (to some extent) and also believe in evolution, but the two are really not compatible.  For one thing, the order in which things were created on earth according to Genesis is quite different from the order in which things evolved according to evolution.  For example, plants, which depend on the sun for life, were created before the sun according to Genesis 1:11-19.  Furthermore, light was also created before the existence of the sun, moon and stars.  If you read Genesis 1 carefully, you will notice several other discrepancies.

Furthermore, the process of evolution is very inefficient and cruel since it depends on the deaths of countless trillions of plants, animals and people over millions of years.  Is our God inefficient and cruel?  Also, the Bible says in Genesis 2:15-17 and Romans 5:12 that death entered the world as a result of Adam’s sin.  That’s an obvious contradiction since evolution requires so many deaths before the origin of modern man.

– Bill Rogers

Originally printed in the Acton Faith Bible Church Pony Express. Vol. I, No. 04, July 2008.