Creation Thought – Part 4

Creation Thought – Part 4

Do evolutionists have scientific evidence for evolution?  If you read their books and listen to them speak, it is obvious that they think they do.  Actually, many evolutionists believe that evolution is a proven fact and that anyone who does not believe it is an idiot.

For example, they often use the argument of “homologous structures” or “comparative anatomy.”  If we look at certain structures in humans and animals, we find quite a bit of similarity.  Consider the bones in the human arm and hand.  They include the humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges (from top to bottom).  Monkeys, dogs, cats, bats, and many other animals have similar bones in the same order in their forelimbs.  The same is true of many other structures in very different organisms.  Evolutionists teach that such similarity implies common ancestry.  In other words, millions of years ago, some animal evolved with these types of structures and they have been passed on from generation to generation even if the overall appearance of the animals has changed dramatically.


Homologous Structures


Well, that is valid reasoning if evolution is true.  But there is another, equally valid explanation.  Everyone who has grown up in a part of the world having cars is able to recognize a car as such even though there is a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors, etc.  Furthermore, all cars have some sort of engine, wheels, transmission, seats, etc.  Why is that?  Did they evolve that way?  No, they were designed a certain way with specific parts similar to other cars because engineers determined that certain parts are necessary to do what cars do.  In other words, cars are similar all over the world because a person of intelligence decided to make them that way.  The same is true for living organisms.  God designed a wide variety of plants and animals with common features because in His wisdom, He knew that’s what works best.

– Bill Rogers

Originally printed in the Acton Faith Bible Church Pony Express. Vol. I, No. 05, August 2008.