Come Join Us! · 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Kid’s Bible Study | 1st-5th Grade
Activities for this class include singing, games, Bible lessons, a This class includes singing, games, Bible lessons, memory verses, and snacks. Our goal is to teach children and encourage parents through consistent Bible teaching that applies to everyday life. The activities focus on helping kids grow in their knowledge of the Bible as they develop their relationship with Christ.
Kids are divided in to different age groups for bible teaching and scripture memory.
Questions? Call Dan Hauptman at 661-406-3454.

Youth Group | 6th-12th Grade
Youth group is focused on bringing teens face-to-face with God through Fellowship, Snacks, and Bible. We offer Bible-based spiritual guidance in an environment where youth can ask hard questions and get real answers that speak to their life now. Group interaction goes beyond Wednesday evening to include weekend outreaches, parties, fundraisers and retreats.
Questions? Call Dan Hauptman at 661-406-3454
Adult Bible Study | All Adults Welcome!
Revelation, the last of God’s inspired words to man, sets forth the terrible and glorious end of our sinful world and the dawn of a new world for time and eternity under the Messiah. Come learn how God is working in the church and Israel as he reveals His future plans and give us hope in His sovereign rule of His creation. Each evening is a wonderful time of interaction in an informal setting. Come get to know one another as we learn from God’s word. Bring your Bible! Questions? Call Pastor Wayne Wilson at 661-269-3609.