Growing Deeper

Growing Deeper

growing_deeper.gifMinistry in a church takes place at many levels.  Teaching and service seem to be two strong areas at AFBC.  We have good teachers at all levels and our people are wonderfully generous giving time and effort to get things done.  If there is a weakness, it is probably building relationships in the body to the point where everyone is exercising his or her spiritual gift to its full potential.

If you think about a typical Sunday morning, things are quite busy, but only a few people really have an opportunity to minister to others in a deep, personal way.  There simple isn’t enough time for this.  We believe we can close this gap with care Groups — smaller groups within the church where the saints can worship together in homes, apply God’s word through discussions and grow in developing the spiritual gifts of each person.

This will be more than a home Bible study.   The hope is to create groups where everyone has an active part in worship, the application of scripture, and prayer.    This will be an environment where we can grow in our faith and in our ability to touch others lives for Jesus’ sake.  There will be more news about this soon.   Prayerfully consider becoming a part of this ministry opportunity.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Wayne Wilson

Originally printed in the Acton Faith Bible Church Pony Express. Vol. I, No. 06, September 2008.