I Will Wait for You

I Will Wait for You

Keith Getty | Jordan Kauflin | Matt Merker | Stuart Townend

Psalm 130

Lord, from the depths I call to You
Lord, hear me from on high
And give attention to my voice
When I for mercy cry

Verse 1
Out of the depths I cry to You
In darkest places I will call
Incline Your ear to me anew
And hear my cry for mercy, Lord

Verse 2
Were You to count my sinful ways
How could I come before Your throne
Yet full forgiveness meets my gaze
I stand redeemed by grace alone

I will wait for You
I will wait for You
On Your word, I will rely
I will wait for You
Surely wait for You
Till my soul is satisfied

Verse 3
So put your hope in God alone
Take courage in His power to save
Completely and forever won
By Christ emerging from the grave

Verse 4
Now He has come to make a way
And God Himself has paid the price
That all who trust in Him today
Find healing in His sacrifice

I pray my soul waits for the Lord
My hope is in His word
More than the watchman waits for dawn
My soul waits for the Lord