No Home for Christmas

No Home for Christmas

A couple of things…

nohomeforchristmasFirst, I would like you to imagine being in an institution at Christmas time. Away from family, living in rather bleak surroundings, and all of this very much due to your own poor choices. You are going to miss Christmas. You won’t be home. You won’t see your children. That’s the situation for most of the residents at Acton Rehab during the holiday season.

The Bible says about Jesus, “Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.” People in recovery are almost universally distressed and dispirited. We have an opportunity to minister to them. I would like to encourage you to consider helping us put on a dinner at Acton Rehab on Dec 21st. While in the past, this was a much larger event, we believe the meal itself, with a little holiday music, will be an effective outreach to those who are dispirited.

The gospel can come in the music, and certainly in one-on-one conversations. A few comments from past residents who experienced this day:

“I would like to thank the special little angels who took precious time out of their holiday routine and gave when I could not. God bless all of you forever.” – E

“God bless you all for everything you did and thanks from the bottom of my heart for making my X-mas a beautiful holiday away from my loved ones.” – D

This ministry is a simple way to bring joy to others, and be the light Jesus wants his church to be. We have asked several other churches in the community to assist, and several have answered the call. Join us! See Laura Wilson or Elaina Griffith.

Second, and completely unrelated…we had a doctrinal issue come up in Sunday School on the difficult topic of “free will” verses God’s sovereignty in matters relating to salvation. Long ago our church determined to adhere to historic Baptist creeds on this point of doctrine, and follow the protestant reformers who spoke so eloquently and biblically on this topic. The elders thought it would be good to revisit our doctrinal statement on this matter in the adult Sunday School class, so I will be addressing it in some detail when I return from Russia. If that topic interests you, or confounds you, come during the 9:30 hour on December 13. Bring your Bible and your thinking cap!

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Wayne Wilson

Originally printed in the Acton Faith Bible Church Pony Express. Vol. II, No. 12, December 2009.

Thank You