Pastor’s Report 2012

Pastor’s Report 2012

Although having a happy pastor is not really a biblical requirement or measure of an effective church, I think it must be better to have a happy pastor than one who is depressed, or fearful, or struggling to stay in the fight. I am a happy pastor. With thanks to the Lord, and knowing that my happiness in the ministry is due to his blessing and your support and encouragement, I can honestly say that the burdens of ministry, which are very real, are burdens of joy for me.

The Lord has blessed us with so many gifted and devoted people that it simply amazes me. For a church our size, we are seeing God’s provision in so many areas of teaching, worship, service, fellowship, and assistance to those in need that I believe we can expect great things in the years ahead. So as I write this, I am excited.

  • I am excited about the number of our people serving the Lord and the new people God has brought and is bringing our way.
  • I am excited about our fresh focus on prayer in the Sunday School hour, an idea suggested by a member in the church surveys we put out a year or so ago. Prayer is vital for effective ministry.
  • I am excited about progress on the building, and I am so thankful for the men on our building committee and those who have given so much time and energy to help them.
  • I am excited by what I am seeing and hearing about in people’s lives. Restored relationships, healing, Spirit-transformed hearts, and sharing the Gospel.
  • I am excited by our strengthening relationships with other believers in our community and new ways of reaching out together for the Gospel.
  • Last, but not least, I am excited to have Marc Boeker and family adding so much creativity, talent and energy to our church. What a blessing! They have made a strong contribution to AFBC in so many ways. And now that Marc’s done with getting his Master of Divinity degree, he will have more time for serving. It is my hope we will be able to bring him to full time in the not too distant future.

I believe we are moving into a time of increased blessing and ministry effectiveness. I claim no revelation from God to believe this, but I feel strongly that it is so. While it is true that the Spirit, like the wind, “blows where it wishes” (John 3:8), it is also true that we can “quench” His work among us (1 Thess 5:19). The opposite of quenching the Spirit is making ourselves available for His use. This we do by walking in the Spirit, producing the fruit of the Spirit, and determining to invest ourselves in God’s work. The Spirit is quenched when we deny Him our time, our gifts, and our labor in the Lord’s vineyard. Serve the Lord. Make the most of every opportunity.


Yours in Christ

Pastor Wayne Wilson

Originally printed in The AFBC Pony Express. Vol. V, No. 6, June 2012.