Living with the Victory

Living with the Victory

The Scripture says,

“No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.”  1 Corinthians 10:13

That is amazingly comforting news.  As believers, we have all the resources we need to have victory over sin.  We never “have to” give in.  This is God’s promise.  It is true.  But our sinful flesh does get the best of us now and then.  We don’t always take the way of escape.  Sometimes, even when we know better, we just press on into more sin.  When this happens, the believer gets quite disappointed with himself.

This disappointment is all the greater when some sin utterly dominates our lives.  When victory seems to be completely elusive, shame and frustration kick in, robbing us of joy and our hope to live a life pleasing to God.  There besetting sins can damage relationships with others, sometimes irreparably.  Family life becomes filled with tension and fear, and does not always survive.

Acton Faith Bible Church is committed to helping people achieve victory over besetting sins through Jesus Christ.  The world has sought to fix people who have become enslaved to chemicals with programs like AA.  Following a disease model, the main idea is that it’s not your fault. You have a disease.  But the solution, even in AA, means some serious taking of responsibil­ity and owning up to your own bad behavior!  Our new Bible study, “Living with the Victory”, acknowledges the reality of chemical dependency, but also the reality of sin, and the power of Christ to free men and women from bondage to sin.  All sin is a matter of the heart, not just the body.  There is a difference between recovery and redemption.  Recovery is modifying behavior.  Redemption is new life in Christ!

If you, or someone you love, struggles with besetting sins (addictions of any kind), I would ask you to take courage and join with others who know the experience themselves, and have found victory in Christ.  This could be your way of escape.

The study meets conveniently twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays.  Call Terry Creel for details (268-8823).

Yours in Christ,